[해외]SPORTI FRANCE Tchoukball 4 Sides 리바운더 3140672172 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 1713747014
적립금 0점 / 
브랜드 SPORTI FRANCE [브랜드바로가기]

선택옵션       [세금 포함 / 배송비 포함 / 추가결제 없음]

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상품 상세설명

Tchoukball 4 sides allowing to work together.

You can use it for all team and individual sports.

Perfect for technical work, physical, repeated and precision in particular for goalkeepers, from the youngest age.

Easy to set up and to store.

Black steel frame of 32 mm with polyethylene net and fixed by straps.

H.90cm, w.180cm.

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